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Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Créations MX Factory is concerned about protecting your privacy and intends to ensure the protection of any personal data entrusted to us.
In order to operate the website accessible at www.creationsmxfactory.fr (hereinafter the “Website”) published by Créations MX Factory (hereinafter “Créations MX Factory”), the latter may collect certain personal data (hereinafter the “Data”).

The purpose of this policy is to provide you with as much information as possible on how your personal data will be processed in compliance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, as well as in compliance with other applicable French and EU legislation and in particular the RGPD (European Regulation of April 27, 2016).

I. Data controller
Why do we collect it?
Legal basis for collection
How your Data is processed and who has access to it
V. How long we keep your Data
How can you contact Créations MX Factory to exercise your rights?
What about cookies?

I. The data controller

The data controller who collects the data and implements the processing is :

Créations MX Factory
40 Grande Rue – 54170 Barisey-la-Côte

When you register and/or create your personal account and/or place an order and/or a positive event, Créations MX Factory collects the following Data in particular: – Civility
– Name
– First name
– Postal address for delivery and, if applicable, any additional information concerning delivery
– Billing address
– E-mail address
– Date of birth
– Telephone number
– IP addresses when browsing the website
– Information relating to transactions and the monitoring of commercial relations (details of products purchased, quantities, amounts, payment methods, any discounts granted)
– Information relating to participation in competitions and/or any promotional operations (date, frequency, responses to competitions, prizes awarded).

Créations MX Factory also collects connection data (date, time, visitor’s computer protocol, pages consulted) for statistical purposes.

Créations MX Factory processes, only when the customer creates his “customer account”, the latter’s geolocation via his IP address.
This data is only used to facilitate the creation of the personal account and is neither kept nor reused thereafter.

Créations MX Factory also collects information relating to the terminal used to connect to the Website (type of terminal, operating system, browser, access provider, terminal IP address, terminal geolocation data).

When ordering a product on the Website, the banking service providers with whom Créations MX Factory has contractual agreements also collect and process Data concerning your means of payment (bank card number, expiry date of the bank card, visual cryptogram, the latter not being retained, etc.).

Payment processes are secure.

Créations MX Factory processes the partial number of the bank card, made up of the first six (6) numbers and the last four (4) numbers, as well as the expiry date of the bank card, as transmitted by the bank.
These data are not used for banking transactions.

Some Data are mandatory, others are optional according to what is indicated to you at the time of Data collection.

Why do we collect them?

Most of the information you provide to Créations MX Factory is required for the processing and delivery of orders, but also for the purposes of maintaining commercial relations, in particular: – managing your customer account
– managing customer satisfaction and collecting your opinions
– combating fraud
– organising competitions.

The collection of your Data also makes it possible to:
– Offer you products according to your tastes, needs to carry out certain operations relating to commercial prospecting by various channels: e-mail, postal mail, sms notification on mobile, social networks
– Register you to our newsletter and be regularly informed of our offers
– Elaborate commercial statistics

Some of the Site’s web pages may contain web beacons enabling us to count the number of visitors to the Site and/or to provide us with a certain number of indicators.
These web beacons may be used by some of Créations MX Factory’s subcontractors, in particular to measure and improve the Site’s efficiency.
In any event, the information obtained from these tags is used solely to compile statistics on visits to certain pages of the Site, in order to serve you better.

Legal basis for collection

Data are collected :

  • Or on the basis of the contract entered into by the person concerned in the case of a Customer, as Créations MX Factory requires certain information in order to process orders, interact with its customers and make deliveries.
  • Or for non-customers on the basis of Créations MX Factory’s legitimate interest when you receive promotions by post
  • or on the basis of your consent in the case of electronic communications to non-customers

In all cases, you have the option of withdrawing your consent to commercial prospecting in accordance with article VI below.

IV. How is your data processed and who has access to it?

Your Personal Data is hosted within the European Union.

The Data collected is solely intended for use by Créations MX Factory.

Créations MX Factory may, however, call on the services of commercial and technical subcontractors such as : – Those who assist and help us to manage loyalty programs, customer relationship management (CRM);
– Our marketing agencies to carry out our advertising, marketing and sales campaigns;
– Those who assist and help us to provide IT services, for the maintenance of our database and correlative software and applications.

These services may sometimes have access to your data to carry out the tasks requested, to which the Data may be transmitted temporarily and securely.

Guarantees have been taken to ensure a sufficient level of data protection.

Your data may be transmitted to subcontractors located outside the European Union. If the protection regime of such a country is not considered adequate by the European Commission, a cross-border data flow agreement complying with the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses will be concluded to govern the transfer of data and ensure a sufficient level of protection with regard to the requirements of French and European regulations.

Your Data may also be transmitted in order to comply with an injunction issued by the legal authorities.

In any case, the Data will never be transmitted to third parties for commercial purposes, nor sold or exchanged, without your express consent.

V. How long we keep your data

We will keep your data for as long as you remain a customer, but also afterwards, in order to respond to any questions, complaints, or to maintain any data necessary to meet legal, accounting or analysis requirements. We may also retain your data for research or statistical analysis. More specifically, if you subscribe to our newsletter, we will no longer contact you if you have not opened our newsletters for more than three years.

VI. How to contact Créations MX Factory to exercise your rights?

In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to access, oppose the processing of, modify (rectify, update), delete, withdraw consent from, limit and port your Personal Data, and may define post-mortem directives. If necessary, a copy of your identity card may be requested. You may also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority such as the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés www.cnil.fr.

Créations MX Factory complies with the rules applicable according to each prospecting channel under French law and under the RGPD.

In all cases, Créations MX Factory gives you the opportunity to object either by an unsubscribe link on the page, or via your account, or by sms by sending a stop sms.

Failure to provide certain Data or opposition to their collection may render inaccessible certain services offered on the Website, for example: ordering products and/or taking part in a competition or promotional operation.

You can exercise your rights by writing to the following address Créations MX Factory: 40 Grande Rue, 54170 Barisey-la-Côte; or by contacting us by e-mail using our contact form.

You can also unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link.

VII. What about cookies?

What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files stored on your hard disk by the Créations MX Factory server or possibly by a third-party server. Always active, cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the Website. In particular, they enable Créations MX Factory to recognize an Internet user from one visit to the next by means of a unique identifier. Within your computer, cookies are managed by your Internet browser. Two types of cookies are differentiated: those issued by Créations MX Factory, and those issued by third-party websites at the request of Créations MX Factory. Cookies issued by third-party sites are neither deposited nor controlled by Créations MX Factory but by third-party companies. In particular, these cookies aim to target your centers of interest through the various product pages you may have consulted on the Website, in order to personalize advertising offers from other brands.

Why do we use cookies?
Cookies are used to improve your browsing experience. In practice, this means that they are used to memorize your preferences. Cookies are therefore essential to the proper functioning of the shopping cart and the purchasing process: as the contents of your shopping cart are stored in a cookie, it is impossible to purchase without cookies! This information may be stored during the same browsing session and/or during subsequent visits. Cookies are also used to compile statistics on the pages of the Website visited by Internet users, on the frequency of visits to certain pages and on the general use of the Website by Internet users. They enable Créations MX Factory to improve the ergonomics of the Website and to connect you to social networks in order to share its content. Data retrieved from cookies is completely anonymous and does not contain any personal information.

What are cookies not used for?
Créations MX Factory does not store sensitive personal information such as your password, address, bank details, etc. in the cookies we use. Créations MX Factory does not sell the information collected through cookies. These are used only for the Website. Cookie data is retrieved anonymously and does not contain any personal information, so cookies are in no way related to spyware. Cookies are not a form of virus and cannot damage your computer.

Who uses cookie information?
The information contained in the cookies on the Website is used exclusively by Créations MX Factory, with the exception of cookies set by third parties which are created by external entities to extract Data at the request of Créations MX Factory to improve your experience on the Website.

How can I refuse cookies?
You can set your computer to accept or reject certain cookies. Indeed, at any time and at your own discretion, you can decide to configure your computer in such a way that it is possible: – Either to systematically save all cookies issued by the website visited
– Or to configure your browser so that it allows you to accept or reject the various cookies that may be offered regularly
– Or to systematically refuse all cookies issued by the website visited.

However, please note that refusing cookies may restrict functionality. We therefore recommend that you allow cookies to be received when you visit the Website. Créations MX Factory declines all responsibility for the consequences resulting from the malfunctioning of the site, in particular concerning the creation of online accounts or the use of the Website’s functionalities, due to the impossibility for Créations MX Factory services to record or consult the cookies issued that you have decided to delete or withdraw.

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